Welcome to This Dog for President 2012.
THE Place for Canine Presidential Politics
Leaf's Campaign Booklet Video
Nominate Your Dog
Leaf's Memoir
Animal Lover's Community
Press Release
It’s no longer politics as usual now that Leaf
Anderson, the first cocker spaniel to run for President of the United
States, has tossed his neck kerchief into the ring. Dressed in his trademark
blue suspenders and Snoopy red tie, he trots along the campaign trail, winning
friends and promising universal kibble.
Leaf’s candidacy inspires everyone to adopt pets from animal shelters and rescue groups. Who knew that an abandoned dog with a rough start in life would wake up from one of his many naps and ask his family to help him become a world leader? Only one of the many benefits of adopting a year-old shelter dog.
By running this race with his youthful vigor and enthusiasm, Leaf encourages others to observe the qualities in dogs and make their own nominations for canines who would make great Presidents.
Read the dramatic 24-page booklet with photos, on Leaf's amazing journey to the White House. Leaf Anderson, a rescued dog is and inspiration to authors Allen and Linda Anderson. With a wag of his stumpy tail, Leaf has risen from relative obscurity into the national political spotlight. Discover Leaf’s maverick choice of a running mate – destined to unite the country and the animal kingdom. Click here.
View a video of Leaf pawing his way along the
campaign trail, shaking hands, winning votes with his
winsome ways, addressing his admirers from The Rose Garden. Click here.
Nominate special dogs for President. Write tail-thumping endorsements of dogs you are nominating for President of the United States. Answer the question: Why do you think this dog would make a great President? Post dog photos and videos on the Angel Animals Forum. Comment (humanely) on other canine candidates in this contentious election year. Click here.
Check out Allen and Leaf’s amazing memoir, A Dog Named Leaf, The Hero Dog from Heaven Who Saved My Life. Click here.
Meet a community of animal lovers from around the world. Allen and Linda Anderson are founders of the Angel Animals Network, which includes the free, weekly Angel Animals Story of the Week, blogs, forums, and a go-to place for the celebration of human-animal companionship. Click here.
Read and circulate the announcement of Leaf’s presidential campaign. More details about Leaf and the book that contains his memoir. Feel free to send this press release to media in your area, blogs, newsletters, and websites. Be sure to include information about your own doggie presidential candidate. Click here.
Vote for Leaf Anderson. Click to Watch the Campaign Video!
Leaf’s Campaign Promise -- No Dog Left Behind!
Adopt Rescued Dogs
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